Race car shopping cart ride.

P: "Mommy, go potty."
Me: "I don't have to go right now."
P: "Daddy, poopy?"
Kris: "Not right now"

"Beep beeeeeep"

Why you never need to go to Cinnabon ever again but why you do need a gym membership.

Important calls cannot wait.

Nor can weed wacking wood floors. No fears--the blade isn't on.

Chilling poolside is way cooler than the kiddie splash area.

If you get water in her eyes during the bath the drama come out. "My eyyyyeees! Eyes hurt! Not nice water!" If you get water in her eyes at the water park it's suddenly super fun. Someone bring me some soap.

Officially six months pregnant. Three months until we meet our little girl and I can see my toes again.

Fun day at the farm.

This horse is showing me exactly what he thinks of this photo.

Katie the three month old goat named after the 15 year old girl who delivered her. ::shudder::

Parker was so obsessed that I was contemplating shoving Katie in my purse and making a run for it. All she wanted to do was feed Katie food (grass). "Katie...more food. Katie, food."

Lights out.

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