In my ideal photography world, Parker would have held the signs up right in front of her and smiled at the camera. Instead, she tried to her hardest to rip them apart and crawl after them. And that makes the photos a lot more interesting and cute than the super posed ones that I knew I wouldn't get!
We went for a nice jog through the subdivision and then I make a delicious breakfast; watermelon for Parker, an omelette for Kris...

and a chocolate chip cookie for me...

I'm surprisingly at an all time low weight (yay to all the calories burned by nursing) and eat super healthy when it comes to anything and everything but my weakness--chocolate. And I see no problem of eating a cookie at any time of day--whether it's 9am or 9pm!
I have a very delish chocolate chip cookie recipe that is irresistible. I was in a hurry to whip these up yesterday during Parker's nap. The way she has been sleeping lately has been very unpredictable so I didn't know if I had 20 minutes or 2 hours so I was rushing it. I always eat the cookie batter. Salmonella doesn't scare me! The only time I've ever avoided the deliciousness that is cookie dough is when I was pregnant and let me tell you...it was hard! I tried the dough and it tasted good, but a bit off. I shrugged it off and threw them in the oven. When I went to take them out they hadn't flattened into huge cookies like they usually do so I double checked the recipe and yep, I left out the brown sugar. Oddly enough they still tasted good!
Here are some pics from our day!
See Kris holding Syd back in the background? She was being a menace! Every time someone walked by Sydney tried to chase them! What happened to my shy, scared dog?

I'm loving the long baby eyelashes!

On the move!

Hope everyone else had a nice day!
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