So what’s best when we can’t hit up the beaches? Hocking Hills! Four years spent in Athens and we never explored the waterfalls, caves, and general awesomeness that is Hocking Hills. I’m so excited for the trip but I’m not gonna lie… a five hour car trip with Parker is number 150 on my top 100 least desirable things to do. I would much prefer flying with her at this age but it’s pure silliness to fly to Columbus and then rent a car to go to Hocking Hills. Fingers crossed that we don’t have a meltdown on the drive. I’m thinking that my super active, no-napping baby will not sleep the entire trip but one can dream!
For a while we also toyed with the idea of doing a staycation. There’s a ton of neat stuff around us that we don’t take advantage off as often as we should. We were planning on going to one of the many local metroparks that have a bunch of things to do—beaches on a huge lake, canoe/kayaking/boat rentals, playgrounds, running and bike trails, nature centers plus a ton more fun things. We were also planning on spending the night in Frankenmuth, Michigan’s Little Bavaria, which we’ve now postponed until August. The hotel we are going to be staying at is so cool—it over looks the Cass River, has five pools, a doll/bear making shop, a pretzel making stand, an indoor play area, putt putt and great eats. We’ll be going on horse drawn carriage rides, taking a ride on the huge riverboat, and of course checking out the breweries. Well, Kris will check out the breweries. This nursing thing puts a bit of a dent on my ability to have a drink at my leisure ;) Well worth it though!
I think it is very important for a family to have at least one vacation a year, whether it’s staying at the best hotel in the best tropical paradise with the best beaches (yes please!) or doing a staycation and enjoying what your town/state has to offer. Life is busy and hectic and you must carve out some family only time; away from the computer, away from the TV, away from the office…a time to relax and enjoy your loved ones.
I’m really looking forward to spending time with Kris and Parker. While I always appreciate Kris, I’m appreciating having him in my life a million times more right now. My 12th grade science teacher (who is only a few years old than me) lost her husband last weekend in a small plane crash. He left behind a toddler and five month old twin girls. My heart absolutely breaks for her and her precious little ones. Hug your loved ones a bit tighter today and appreciate the time you have with them, for you never know when it will be cut short.
And of course, pictures :)

I have never been to Hocking Hills. I feel like a bad OU student for never going! I'm sure you will have a blast! I can't wait to see the pictures. :)