Have you noticed my
overbearing obsession love for all things pink on Parker? Not purple, not yellow, not blue...just pink. And headbands. I cannot get enough of these darling headbands. Parker has recently discovered her ears and likes grabbing onto them. Cute, right? That is, until she starts grabbing her headbands instead of her ears and yanks those pretty little flowers right off her head. This has happened a few times and I'm really hoping that our headband wearing days are not numbered!

I also love love love ruffly butts. Seriously, how can you not love ruffled diaper covers!

And I can't forget about my love of baby shoes!

I will take full advantage of dressing Parker to my liking now while I can. Judging by how fast time is flying by it will be no time before she becomes her own fashionista!
I love that little ruffle butt!!