The Thursday before Emerson's arrival Parker and I pampered ourselves with manis and pedis. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this but I love having girls ;) If we try for a fourth I'll be rooting for a girl again (though I bet Kris will be on the other side :-P)
Triage! Last belly pic at 39w2d.
Yes, I was ordered to walk the halls of the hospital to get labor going but I wasn't about the trek around for hours without my delish Starbucks lemonade/tea beverage.
All smiles after I was finally permitted to sit my pregnant butt in a bed!
Now we'll flash forward to the present. This is how breakfast goes in our house now. The girls have to move their chairs right next to Emerson. You know, since their white table is just SO far away. Big girls are munching on one of our fave warm weather goodies--yogurt pops. So simple to make. Mix greek yogurt with honey and cut up fruit. Add to popsicle molds. Freeze. Get your kids psyched to have popsicles for breakfast. Genius.
You better believe we're enjoying this pool every second we can. Managing a pool with these little fishies plus a newborn is a skill I'm still trying to master but with each swim I'm fine tuning the best ways to enjoy our backyard vacation.
See the red inflatable? It's a motorized speed boat. Motorized! Purchased at the place where all amazing things are born--Costco, of course.

Post pool snack and relaxation time.

Parker found giving Teagan bunny ears to be absolutely hilarious.

Best buds :)
Miss Teagan has by far been the most challenging kiddo since Emerson's arrival. Tantrums, deliberate disobeying, and really just looking for trouble. My oh my does this girl keep me on my toes! Now I know why T was such an easy baby and smiles all the make up for all her two year old shenanigans!
Parker is doing pretty good with the adjustment but can go from 0 to 60 on the emotional outburst scale. And nighttime is pretty tough for her. She cries, real tears of sadness, when I kiss her goodnight. Literally wraps her arms and legs around my entire body so I can't leave. Heartbreaking. So we still try to get in a couple sleepovers a week.
Minnie needs to be properly restrained. I'm running out of room in my Acadia.
I never, ever carry cash including coins. I honestly do not even know the pin to my debit card (I'm an AMEX/Amazon Chase girl for all the perks). This works for us until we see the fountain (why is this is thing to throw money in water?!). Thankfully as we were unloading our car a dad was walking back to his car for coins and reminded us before we entered. Thanks for the reminder and I actually had four coins on me.
Good thing because last time I forgot Parker asked me for my credit card to throw in ;)
This is what I get when I asked the girls to smile for the camera...
But when I bribe them with the playground they grin ear to ear.
Almost a darling shot. Just cut out my weird friend to the right and me telling Kris to watch out behind him before he tripped trying to catch our cuteness.
Parker has deemed this location as our picture spot. Of course, the area with uneven, jagged rocks which do not play with with an adventurous two year old.
Speaking of pictures, look who got a selfie stick!
Big sis is always making sure Emerson has toys to play with. And always makes sure she has a story to go along with it :)
That's all for today. I'm looking forward to date night tomorrow with my big girls. We're going to see Pinkalicious the musical! Shhhhh, it's a surprise. Can't wait to see their little faces light up. Pinkalicious is adored in the S house!
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