I was thinking about the way I do things as it came time to order new wipes for Parker. We use cloth wipes at home but disposable ones for daycare. I went my favorite online retailer, Amazon (surprise surprise), to place my order and found out that my “natural” brand had changed their ingredients to a not so natural formula. Kris and I scoured the internet for something better. We found a couple great options but they were literally three times the prices of the already overpriced wipes that we were using. I get that natural and organic products usually cost more but I’m still a budget minded girl. So I Googled around some more and what did I find? An article on how to make your own wipes! Affordable? Check. Easy? Check. Sign me up!
I am so trying this out tonight. I think that daycare probably thinks I’m a little cuckoo as it is for bringing in all of Parker’s food (they supply meals their but it’s very different than what I feed Parker) so they’ll probably get a chuckle when I bring in my homemade wipes!
Oh yes, and it was pajama day today for Spirit Week. Not having to dress a baby who screams practically every.single.time we change her clothes was fabulous!
Andplusalso, it snowed today yesterday and last night. Big flakes of wet snow. Not cool, not cool at all.
Happy weekend! We don't have much going on. Kris is putting up crown molding in our kitchen, breakfast nook, and living room and I'll paint it during Parker's nap(s). Having a handy husband is absolutely the best! I've been wanting to go to the Hands on Museum so maybe we'll do that but other than that it will be a nice, relaxing weekend!

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