I am looking forward to a very short work week next week. It’s only Monday through Wednesday for this girl before I check out until the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. I am so ready for the time off!
I’m also ready to gain approximately 14lbs from my Thanksgiving feast. This year we’re having Kris’ parents, his sister, my parents, and my sister and her fiance up for Thanksgiving. I’m so excited to have Thanksgiving here again. I absolutely love cooking and baking and I’ve got my recipes down to a science. Kris and I often make Thanksgiving feasts throughout the year for the three of us (make that four since Parker likes to feed Sydney) so we're pros by now.
I have my two page grocery shopping list (seriously, it's two pages), all of my recipes printed out, and a timeline. Is it weird that I have a timeline? Probably, but I find it easier to have a plan so that I'm not slaving away at the last minute.
The Saturday after Thanksgiving Kris and I will be going to the OSU/Michigan game and my parents will be watching Parker. I really don't like to leave Parker. Actually, this is only the second time that we've left her. Kris was really excited about the game though and it's nice to get some one on one time so off to Ann Arbor we'll go! It's supposed to be 44 degrees. I'm hoping that it doesn't get much colder than that!
As for this weekend I'm not sure of what we have going on. We might go to the cider mill for some yummy donuts and cider and/or head to a really fun play place with miss Parker. Whatever we do it will be a lot of fun!
Happy weekend!

First, I'm jealous that you're going to the game next week. Second, your lists aren't crazy! I think you have to be that organized to pull off a feast! This is from my sister's boyfriend's sister-in-law's blog (confusing, I know. I could have said my friend Jes...moving on.) This is what she did to prepare for Thanksgiving last year, maybe it will give you some ideas! They are stationed in Japan by the way.