In the spirit of Thanksgiving am I allowed to be thankful to have a super handy husband? One who can, as we said many times to each other, “build a house under a house”? Because I am! Kris did a fabulous job on the basement. I’m glad that Kris was the one to finish the basement because we know that no corners were cut and that every single thing was constructed perfectly. From the drywall to the electricity to the plumbing…Kris did it all. I’m a proud wife!
We’ve been enjoying the space for about a month and a half now and we love it. There is so much room for all of us to relax and play. We have the main room with a big flat screen, Harvard Hoops (yes, we’re basically children), and the bar that Kris also built. I went out shopping one day with Lindsey to return to a bar completely framed out. I didn’t even know Kris was going to start on it that day! Then we have the playroom slash workout room slash freezer and extra pantry room. Most of the things we order from Amazon come in bulk so I need a place to store the 12 pack of laundry detergent and the six pack of cereal boxes I buy. Plus I have a thing with stocking up when things are on sale. See that bag on top of the pantry? It’s filled with pounds of organic squash which apparently last for months. When it went on a big sale I figured that I should grab
10 a few. I’ve made delish Butternut Squash Muffins and last weekend whipped up Penne with Butternut Squash, Bacon and Sage. It was to die for.
I got way off track, back to the basement…
We have an extra bedroom for guests and there is a bathroom right off of it that enters back into the main room. We kept the ceiling exposed since a drop and/or drywall ceiling would make the ceiling too low. I love the look! Very trendy and cool. There’s crown molding all around and the comfiest carpet your feet will ever meet. We brought our sectional from upstairs downstairs and got new furniture for upstairs. It’s like a whole new house!
As much as I miss our family and friends, I never want to leave this house. It is truly more than a house—it’s a home. I never want to leave the place that Kris and I bought when we were 24, only a few months into our engagement. The place that we came home to after our honeymoon. The place where we brought Parker when she was two days old. We’ve made so many wonderful memories in this house. We have wonderful neighbors and a safe subdivision. Living on the end of a cul-de-sac will allow Parker to play without worrying about traffic. We have amazing restaurants and shopping literally minutes away. There are a lot of parks, trails, and cider mills. I feel very blessed to be able to live in such a great house in an amazing area.
There’s a lot more to be thankful for this season too.
We have a perfectly wonderful, healthy baby girl who makes life worth living. There are many sick children out there and their suffering breaks my heart into a million pieces. We are so lucky to have a baby with no health problems.
Both Kris and I have our health. In the past month I’ve had a few follow up appointments with my dentist and yesterday had to see an oral surgeon for a mark under my tongue that was abnormal. Thankfully it turned out to be nothing, but having a scare like that really makes you appreciate your health.
We both have great jobs that we enjoy. I’m thankful that we’re able to provide for our daughter; to put food on the table, a roof over her head, fund her college, and buy her what she needs. I’m thankful that we’re both able to be good role models for Parker in our roles both outside and inside the home.
I’m thankful that we have a wonderful support system at daycare. I’ve said it before but to have people who are not family care so deeply about your child is a rarity. She gets buckets of love poured on her when Kris and I are at home and also when we’re not.
I’m thankful to have the best husband. Seriously, he’s the best. He has the patience that I lack (I’m working on it!), is caring, and funny. We’re both equals in our relationship. There’s no I do all the cooking, you do all the cleaning sort of thing. We both cook, clean, love on Parker, work, etc. It’s a wonderful balance.
Enough with the sappy stuff. We’re having Thanksgiving on Friday this year because I’m working today and I’m not about to pull together a feast overnight. Well actually I’m probably able to since I’m crazy like that but Friday will be easier. Plus my sister and her fiancée will be able to come if it’s Friday so it works. Even though our Thanksgiving is on Friday I’m sort of tempted to hit up Target at midnight. They are having some awesome sales on toys. I always check prices against Amazon and these are legit deals. Legit I say! I have my eye on the Cabbage Patch dolls and a princess make-up table. And for me, I must get another pair of these:

I already have a pair in gray and I am in love. I wear these every single day. They are so comfy. They are supportive like shoe so I have walked out of the house many times not realizing that I have my moc's on and not acutal shoes. If only the corporate world was okay with slippers!! It’s only a matter of time before the moc's wear out or get destroyed so I need a back up pair. I’m sure there will be lots of other cute clothes, jewelry, and shoes on sale for this girl! I haven’t went Black Friday shopping in years so if I go I don’t know what I’m getting myself into!
Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday Shopping y’all! I'll be updating with pictures of Turkey Day--including pictures of the eats and the menu!
Don't mind the pom poms in the basement. They are from Parker's party and are too fun to take down. And also don't mind all the toys scattered about. I pick up at the end of the day and that's it!