Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all! I still have to upload some photos from yesterday so the full recap will come shortly. But to tie you over, our day at the park in photos.

Parker dominated the playground even though it was packed primarly due to one family with 8 kids. EIGHT! I couldn't help but gawk at the mother who was there by herself with all those kids. What type of car do you even drive at that point that has to seat at least 9? A conversion van? A school bus? Whatever it is it can't be pretty.

Parker likes to check out the other kids and then chase them. Or stand awkwardly close to them and stare.

Parker loves going down the slides herself. Thank God because I recently found out that taking a kid down the slide while on your lap can be dangerous. Dangerous as in their legs can get broken. This is the stuff that should be in baby books. Enough with how to get your baby to sleep (didn't work) and how to calm their cries (didn't work). I need this sort of information. While Parker enjoyed a lot of slides on my lap, baby numero dos will be deprived of such pleasure.

Always gotta have snacks on hand. Parker has become quite the picky eater the past four/five months so my diaper bag has transformed into a pantry. I've got it all--NutriGrain bars, Annie's bunnies, bananas, crackers, Veggie Straws, granola. I never know what's going to get Parker's approval and the worst thing is to have a toddler sobbing uncontrollably for "more snack."

We've made no progress in the playground purchase department. We're constantly at the local parks so we keep forgetting to buy a set for our own backyard. Must get on that.

Let's hope this day goes by fast. It's supposed to be a gorgeous day and I can't wait to frolic in the outdoors with the little miss. Happy Monday!


  1. Can you explain to me how their legs can get broken?

  2. If their feet get to the side or in-between your legs the tread on their shoes could cause them to stop. The force of the slide keeps you moving down and leaves their leg stuck behind to twist and break.

    I've seen this happen when Parker goes down by herself. If she puts her foot down she comes to a slow stop or if the slide is steep she starts to fall forward. Scary stuff.
