Last year we used California Baby.

It's the best of all sunscreen I've tried. It goes on smooth, isn't greasy, and doesn't leave a white residue making Parker look like Casper. Buuuut, it's about $23 for 2.9oz. Ouch. Last year we went through three bottles just on Parker. This year she is bigger. That's a math problem that I don't want to do.
We also tried Burt's Bees last year.

Burt and I are not friends. I side eye them because (1) they claim to be natural but are owned by Clorox and (2) many of their products are around 95% natural. So what's the other 5%? But we were in a bind and it was the only thing I could find in the store. It's very thick and gives Parker the Casper look. Not a fan.
This year I was caught off guard by summer in March. I had to do some quick research and found out about Loving Naturals.
I love that it's 100% natural, cheaper than CB and vegan. I don't really know what vegan sunscreen means but it sounds hippy enough. It says non-greasy on this stock photo but ironically that wasn't listed on the label that I received and sure enough, it's super greasy. Like Crisco greasy.
I'll take any suggestions for something that will fit the sunscreen bill!
I'll take any suggestions for something that will fit the sunscreen bill!
You must have read my mind, b/c just today I was researching natural sunscreens. I refer to SafeMama alot for references sometimes, and here's their take:
I am going to purchase the large size of the Purple Prairie for playground and general use(hopefully, since it doesn't seem as sticky), and the Badger for the beach since it seems more water repellent. Unfortunately we live 3 blocks from the beach so that's going to be quite often. Good luck!
Awesome link, thanks lady! I haven't heard of Safe Mama but I'm liking what I see far. I have heard lots of good things about Badger other than the ghost effect though it seems like that comes with the more water repellent products. 3 blocks from the beach? I'm coming to live with you.
ReplyDeleteWe use the Neutrogena Baby one and, although it makes him look like casper after putting it on, I really think it's a nice product.
ReplyDeleteOhhh, I think that I've seen that one, Kelly, but forgot about it. I'll check it out!