After the appointment we came home and played for a few hours. Then Kris and I started our trek to Ohio. We decided to leave Friday night rather than Saturday morning in hopes that Parker would sleep in the car seat the entire drive down. A very risky proposition considering how Parker sleeps cuddled up next to me, nursing on and off throughout the night. We were a bit afraid (read: absolutely terrified out of our minds) that she would scream the entire way down but thirty minutes in the car was all she needed to be knocked out. I cannot tell you how much easier the trip was with a sleeping baby versus an awake baby who is irritated by the restraints of the car seat.
Parker woke up bright and early at my parents place on Saturday. We were able to take a walk, fed the thirty plus ducks that flock to the outside patio, and take a swim in the complex pool. Parker had a great time and it was nice to visit with my parents. Next on the list was our niece’s big birthday party celebrating Caroline’s first and Natalie’s fifth. The weather turned out to be great, and while Parker was exhausted, she was too excited by all the new people and commotion that she didn’t even try to nap. She was very clingy to me and Kris though. She’s been having some stranger anxiety lately and while it was family around, we haven’t seen them enough for Parker to recognize them right off the bat. It would be so nice if we all lived closer!
I was glad to have Parker hanging out with her cousins. My nephew Joshua was being sweet as can be to Parker. It warmed my heart to see how gentle and caring he was towards her. He decided that we needed to find a way to keep Caroline and Parker babies, so that they wouldn’t grow up too fast ;) I agree! The birthday girls were very busy during their party but Caroline and Parker did get some play time at the end of the day. They were semi-interested in each other, which was so cute to watch, and very interested in my camera bag!
After the party we got Parker in her PJ’s, loaded up, and were on our way. She played for about an hour and then was old cold. Another peacefully trip! Kris and I have decided that any future trips we make will take place in the wee hours of the night. It was so nice to see everyone!

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