We couldn’t have asked for a better day. The weather was absolutely perfect—68 degrees, not a cloud in the sky, and a breeze that lasted all day long. I would love to live in a place that has weather like this all the time! I had delicious chocolate chip banana bread for breakfast (bananas gross me out but oddly enough banana bread is tasty to me), sushi for lunch, fondue for dinner (perhaps my favorite meal—and Kris knows it!), and to top it off, my favorite Coldstone cake of all time—red velvet cake with cake batter ice cream. It is to die for. If you haven’t tried it yet you must!
We spent the day at the zoo. Yes, I know that we just visited the zoo a few weeks ago. But there’s a lot to see and there are always new exhibits. Plus we have the annual zoo membership so why not use it! My favorite part of the zoo was playing on the playground with Parker. I think that I was enjoying the slides more than she was based on our facial expressions!

Trying out the other slide!

Parker being silly :)

Hanging out with mama!
Next up: playing on the bouncy animals!

Parker made the most adorable Mother’s Day present for me at daycare. Isn’t this just the cutest thing?!
I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Getting gifts from Kris and Parker, spending the day with my two favorites, eating delish meals, and generally feeling blessed to have precious Parker in my life. And I almost forgot the best gift of all--Parker decided to crawl around for me! She's been scooting around for a few weeks now, mainly moving from side to side, but on Mother's Day she decided to crawl forward! I'm such a proud mama! Also, Parker loves rolling from back to belly but never was a fan of going from belly to back, but on Mother's Day she started doing that over and over too! I really think that she wanted to show off on my big day :)
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