Every month since Parker was born Kris and I say to each other that she can't get any cooler than she is at this very moment. And every month she proves us wrong.
I'm loving this age. Parker repeats absolutely everything we say, aka you gotta watch your mouth around this pumpkin. She's been doing this for a while but now it's out of control. I'm done keeping track of her vocabulary since that would take a million pages to write, but some of my favorites this month are:
-cunny. I called Kris "honey" most of the time so Parker follows suit. Cracks me up.
-oh my gosh. When Parker does something crazy, like trying to somersault from the top of the couch, she says "oh my gosh, Parker."
-yeah. Not yes, but yeah.
-i pretty. I hear this often when I fix her hair. She loves when I put flowers (hair clips) in. Actually, she demands it now.
-big girl. And this one makes me sad :( Where did my baby go?
Other new things--
Parker entered the scared-of-things phase. If something is "too loud," like a car running or a loud plane she needs to be picked up and comforted. We were next to a school bus this week and I don't think Parker could have gripped my leg any tighter than she did. The other day the windows in the basement were scaring her (random) and she refused to stay downstairs. At first I thought it was the corner making her scared so I asked her if that's what it was. "Corner, no like it," she said.
She felt the same about Elmo.
Parker loves Elmo (I swear). As Kris was driving back from dinner in VA Beach we spotted him. My heart seriously started racing. We had to see him, HAD TO. We finally found a parking spot blocks away and ran down the street, fingers crossed that he didn't leave. When Parker saw him from afar she was pumped. Up close, not so much. So we said our hello's and surveyed him from a few feet back for 15 minutes. Seeing Elmo in person must have blown her mind.
I'm obsessed with lip gloss so of course Parker is too. When the lip gloss comes out her lips purse up. She "rock a baby" all of her babies. Kris was being silly one day and rocked Sydney. Now Parker also likes us to "rock a Sydney."
Parker was coined a risk taker by her teachers at the ripe old age of 9 months. Now at 21 months it still proves to be true.
Yeah, lets swing on this bar right on cement. I'm sure my hands won't slip.
Diapering her baby dolls makes her happy as does singing ABC's. ABCDE...some other letters in between..TUVWXYZ...something that resembles "now I know my ABC's" and so on.
She counts to 10 (occasionally minus the number 7, who needs it anyways). I'm shocked by this. Seriously, how did she get so smart? She likes to count down to epic things, like "1, 2, 3..." then she pours one full glass of water into another full class of water and cheers "woohoo!" when it overflows.
Sleep is going awesome. I'm telling you, buying her new bedding was the trick. I'll update with pics of her big girl room when it's all done, but for now just know that ladybug bedding gives her the motivation to stay in her bed all night. We've had multiple nights of her sleeping through the night. Sure, it took 21 months, but I never had to let her cry it out. I'm glad that our ways finally paid off and we have a (pretty) excellent sleeper on our hands.
See? I even have proof. Once the twin bed gets delivered we should have no more floor sleeping babes.
We get a ton of hugs, kisses, affectionate back pats, and "I love you's" from the little miss. The baby dolls aren't shorted out of the love either.
Sorry, Sydney. Parker loves yogurt pops. You're outta luck.
See the joy on Parker's face from this huge bean bag. When I took it out of the box I even got a "thank you, mommy." Welp, the joy is about to be ripped away. I'll talk about this later but basically bean bags = cancer risk? Good to know. This sucker is getting returned stat.
Happy 21 months, precious girl!
A big girl bed!!! I'm trying to hold out as long as I can. Jordan has yet to even try to stick a limb over the railing, but the pic of Parker on the floor is priceless :) Glad the transition we well! Thanks for your Popsicle recipe a few posts back. I threw some together the other day and will probably try them out this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteAnd isn't the counting unreal?? Jordan always skips 6, but the rest are spot on. It blew us away the first time we heard her rattle them off!
Parker never liked the crib so she made the decision herself :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the popsicles! I've made quite a few batches and I'm obsessed. Something healthy that tastes unhealthy? It's just what I need.
I was floored by the counting. Funny that Parker's 7 is Jordan's 6 lol. I wonder why they skip just one number?
And by the way, you're an enabler. I hit up the Target $1 section and bought the storage totes. I tried to buy the baskets but they were all stuck together :( A huge dude tried to help me get a few out and even he couldn't do it. But at least I scored the totes!