I’m not on the paci bandwagon but I do give it to Parker if she’s fussy in the car seat and before bed/naps. It is a total Godsend. The thought of taking it away now terrifies me. So maybe we’ll hold onto it for a bit longer. Parker has never been a great sleeper so the paci is a huge help. Though if she wakes in the middle of the night and I try to give it to her she takes it in her hand and throws it as far as she can. I’ll be on the phone with the softball scouts soon.
I’ll be digitally disconnected until the weekend is over. I have the day off tomorrow to play and cuddle with Parker, Saturday is her birthday bash, and Sunday may entail either a day of relaxation or a trip to the pumpkin patch.
Here are some shots of Parker helping me see what Amazon sent our way :) Pink trench coats and jeggings are all the rave among almost 12 month olds. And don't mind the wild child hair. It's tough being a baby.

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