Green Onions
Red Onion
Green Peppers
Brown Rice
Chicken Breasts
Olive Oil
Soy Sauce
Red Pepper Flakes
Saute the veggies over low heat in olive oil. Meanwhile, start the rice in your amazingly handy rice cooker. Cut chicken into bite sized pieces. Cook in olive oil over medium heat. Remove when done and add whisked eggs to pan. Add cooked rice, chicken, and scrambled eggs to the veggies. Top with red pepper flakes and soy sauce. I could pour the whole bottle of soy sauce on the meal (yum yum!) but I refrain. Must be healthy.
I used to keep a cooking blog, but rather than keeping it sepearate from this blog I'll add it yummy new receipes as I try them out. Since I find most of my recipes online (Martha Stewart and The Food Network, you have kept my family full and happy for years) I find it easier store them online rather than in a cookbook.
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