I'll be taking pictures of Parker each month to show how much she has grown. It's hard to tell the difference one month has made in these photos but she has definitely packed on a few pounds and grown an inch or so!

Here are some pictures from the past month of our lives!
Parker's head size is in the 90th percentile. Uh oh, our daughter head a big head ;)

Weighing in at 7lbs 12oz. At my last ultrasound just a few days before Parker was born, the ultrasound tech said it looked like she was 7lbs 15oz. She was almost exactly right!

Parker kept kicking her ID badges off of her feet, much to the surprise of the nursing staff. She was definitely an active baby in the womb and that didn't change out of the womb one bit.

"Please, no more pictures, mama." I have taken around 600 pictures in just a month so I think she's used to it by now!

Sydney is hoping that Sophie the Giraffe is really a dog toy. It's just like one...it's rubbery and it squeaks! I was worried that Sydney would try to eat all of Parker's toys but she has been great with them (knock on wood).

Kris and I give Parker an infant massage before her bath on most nights to relax her and play Canon in D. It's what I walked down the aisle to and I played it for Parker often while she was in the womb. I wonder if she recognizes the song like they say she is supposed to.

Little baby smiles.

Tummy time fail. Instead of trying to move her head around she decided to nap!

Parker loves all the Lamaze toys, especially this inchworm!

Four generations

We tried to introduce a pacifier to Parker at four weeks but she hates it. She much prefers sucking on her daddy's finger!

Go Bucks!

Parker scooted all the way down Kris' stomach and wanted to sleep in this position! So funny!

Another interesting sleep move. She's supposed to be eating, not sleeping right now!

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