Emerson on her first ride in the BOB. Girl loves her some stroller. And I love being able to take nice long walks with an infant. I'm used to being snowed in with little ones!

This is how E typically prefers stroller trips. Knocked out for the bulk of the ride.

I've mentioned it three trillion times but we really do love our subdivision an unhealthy amount. Cool parents, cool kids, and always something going on. If we're not swimming in our pool, we're having a bonfire next door. Like this night. Parker dressed herself in formal, marshmallow roasting attire. I'm quite sure the majority of guests were under dressed.

If we're not making smores next door we're having movie night at our house, complete with a build your own sundae bar and delicious ice water.

Our family and friends have been enjoying the hell out of our swimming pool. As it should be with how much that thing cost! Cloudy, chilly, sunny, roasting, it's all pool weather. Nothing beats those summer days hanging poolside in your own backyard, right E?

Emerson actually prefers stretching out the most and practicing moving her arms and legs. Getting ready for her first unassisted swim I'm guessing.

Even when we're not swimming, we're in the house ready to swim at a moments notice. Bathing suits sure make summer attire easy for the girls!

Emerson is in LOVE with her bouncer if you can't tell. This is her seat for family meals. Works well for now!
These little tricksters hopped out of the pool after they had enough swim time and went in the house to change. The changing was taking a tad too long so when I went in to check I saw them huddled up with the Kindle (which we typically limit access to). Busted!
One of the funnest summer evening activities of the summer is back. Wild Wednesday's at the zoo! Live music, pizza picnic, good friends and great weather made for an enjoyable trip. Enjoyable and insane as we had five kids with us ages four and under :O
Emerson's first motown music experience. Doesn't seem impressed but I tell you, the band was pretty solid.
My cuddle bug. I'm doing the exact same thing right now while double fisting freezer pops. Miss E had her two month appointment today and shots to go along with it so she is feeling less than comfortable right now. Those shots are just the worst :(
Kris has been off this entire week and it's been nice to have him hanging out all day every day. Tomorrow we might head over to the country fair to check out the farm animals, carnival rides, pig races (for real) and fireworks. We checked it out last year and it did not disappoint. Well, there were jail workers setting a play area up early in the day but that's probably to be expected at a county fair...
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