K: Do you have to watch this stupid show?
S: Yes.
K: Why?
S: I deserve it.
K: Why?
S: Because I got pooped on. I win.
I’ve been taking baths with Parker recently in our big master bath tub. She loves how high the water gets and has a blast splashing the water with her hands, playing with her toys, and pulling herself up on me and the tub. She also apparently likes to poop while taking a bath. I don’t think that I’ve ever jumped out of the bathtub as fast as I did yesterday! Gross gross gross!
In other news, the weekend was great. I helped Kris out in the basement a bit during Parker’s naps and it’s almost finished! Yay! Next week our carpet is being installed and our new couch is being delivered. Our new sectional is still being made but should ship out in a couple weeks. We have a TV order to place, bar stools to set up, and a few more things to do before it’s completely finished—like putting doorknobs on and installing the toilet and bathroom vanity—but it will all be done by Parker’s birthday party!
We spent Saturday helping Parker walk around the house (since that is her thing right now) and ended the day at our subdivision block party. Parker did what babies do—played with her BFF neighbor friend Sophia and a new friend two cul-de-sacs over, one year old Julia—and the adults did what adults do—talked and drank. There were cool things for the older kids, like a rock climbing wall and face painting, and food and drinks galore for all. It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone and the weather couldn’t have been better. I vote for having these block parties monthly instead of annually!
Sunday was a day for the record books. Parker slept in. Until 845am!! OMG were we shocked. I felt so refreshed the entire day, especially since I went to bed at 10pm the night before. We went on a nice jog, played at the park, played some more at home, then had a delish meal out. Going out to eat with a baby is a bit tricky. You have to plan it when they are in a good mood and wonder how long they will tolerate the restraints of the high chair. We’ve certainly had our dinners out with a fork in one hand and Parker in the other, but now with her being so mobile if we try to hold her while sitting she tries to break free. Cheerios, her meal of tofu, red peppers, mushrooms, and kale, the menu, and a slinky kept her entertained. We walked Parker to sleep in the Ergo around the sub when we got home and ended our awesome weekend!
I don’t think we have much planned for next weekend. The weekend after next is Oktoberfest so hopefully we’ll have some time to make it! Kid Rock apparently always goes to the local Oktoberfest so maybe we’ll run into him!
And perhaps the most exciting news of all...someone took her first steps today!!

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