Yesterday I was thinking, hmmm, I should write a blog post since it’s probably been a few days since the last one. It hasn’t been a few days though—it’s been over a week! This last week has been crazy busy. The carpet is being installed in the basement tomorrow (squee!) so I’ve been helping Kris wrap everything up once Parker is in bed for the night. Plus I’m currently on a baking binge. I’m whipping up tons of yummy treats and handing them out at work. All of this in addition to the normal things means that I’ve been up until midnight-ish most nights. This might sound crazy but once I start something, like trying out new icing recipes, I get so engrossed it in that I have to get it perfected before I can hit the sheets. Nursing is a beautiful thing though because all the extra sweet calories I’m consuming get burned up rather than hanging around, uninvited and unwelcome, on my thighs!
Now onto Parker. This past weekend she celebrated her 11th month! I have a blog to post on her past month as soon as I get the pictures uploaded, so probably this weekend. About a month and a half ago Parker figured out how to opens drawers. Who knew that a coffee table with drawers could offer endless entertainment? But now she’s on to bigger and better things—the kitchen cabinets. In one of Dr. Sears books he talks about having a kitchen cabinet or drawer that is just for baby with things like bowls, dish towels, and any other baby safe things you can think of. I’ll get on that this weekend once I can clear out our cabinets and put things that I don’t use all that often in the basement. But for now, Parker gets to search around and play with really cool things, like oven mitts and cake pans.

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