Happy 5 months, Miss Parker!

As usual, it's been another wonderful month for us. Smiles and giggles still fill our house. Parker grins ear to ear when she looks into mirrors so we spend a lot of time in front of them! I wonder if she realizes the baby in the mirror is actually her or if she thinks it’s another baby—maybe one of her daycare friends! The giggling is one of the best things. Parker loves when Kris eats her belly. I have a cute video of this that I will post as soon as I figure out how to get the video on my computer!
Parker is now getting mad at actual things now. For instance, I put Parker in her car seat the other day and she started chewing on the seat straps. I moved them out of her mouth so that I could buckle her in and she freaked out! Prior to that day I could have taken the straps away form Parker and she would not have cared one bit. I thought it was really neat to see this new development in her communication skills!
Grabbing onto toys has taken a new turn. Parker used to have to use both hands to pick up a toy but now she's mastered the art of using just one hand. If I'm walking around carrying Parker she likes to hold onto something, usually Sophie the Giraffe. And if Sophie is not in her hand then Parker wants whatever is in my hand. If I try to take a drink of water Parker reaches out for the glass and tries to grab it from me. Not yet, baby girl! We're waiting until the six month mark to start Parker on anything other than breastmilk, but she's definitely starting to get more aware of what Kris and I are putting into our mouths!
We now have a little girl who loves rolling around, especially when I'm trying to get her dressed or get a diaper on her. What a troublemaker :) She goes from back to side, to belly, then back over again. Finally she's able to move around a bit and it really helps with her naps at daycare. The daycare providers have to put her on her back when she naps but Parker still doesn't like sleeping on her back so now she's able to roll over to her side to get comfy.
Parker is also getting better at sitting every day. She can sit on her own for about 30 seconds before she topples over. We practice in the bed a lot to comfort the falls :)
Here's some pictures from the past month!

Saying "Yaaaaaaaaay" always makes Parker smile!

Napping in the Moby. I wear Parker every night and she falls asleep within minutes of being put in the wrap.

Baby smiles!

Big girl sitting in her highchair! Parker loved that duck but Sydney loved it even more, so she decided to tear it to shreds...

I'm hoping this next month is full of great weather so we don't have to stay cooped up in the house!