Hmmmm...there are a lot of cool toys in here...what should I grab?
Pay no attention to the range in the background, haha! We got a new range last weekend and this one is hanging out until it's sold on Craigslist.
Brown bear is the perfect size toy for me to grab!
Got it!
Parker looks like she's giving her toys some attitude!
Hanging out with Kris in the Rock n Play!
We absolutely love the RnP! We originally bought it in hopes of it being a place for Parker to sleep since the co-sleeper was not working out for us. It got rave reviews on Amazon from a ton of parents who said their babies wouldn't sleep flat on their backs but loved the RnP since it has an incline. But in true Parker fashion, she decided that the RnP was not for sleep, but for playing. And she was right! We'll put Parker in it and read books to her and play with toys. It's been one of the best baby related purchases we've made.
I'm not sure what Parker likes more, her hands or the book!
As much as Parker loves the Rock n Play, she's starting to kick her way out of it. When we set her down she straightens her legs and pushes herself up. Uh oh! We're going to have to pack that thing away before we know it!
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