Parker loves sitting on the couch. It looks so funny to me to see this little babe sitting up on such a huge couch! Parker will hang out contently for a while while we read books to her and play with toys. Or she will be fine just playing with her favorite toy of the moment--her hands as you can tell in this shot! I'm not sure how it happened but my little girl looks so big! Seriously, what happened to my little newborn babe?

Here's Parker getting in some quality Daddy time while I tested out my new camera lens thanks to my Dad :) My Dad takes great photos so when he had a lens that he didn't use anymore I quickly grabbed it up! It's got a great zoom that will come in handy years down the road when Parker is dancing in her first ballet recital and running the bases in tee-ball...I can't wait for those days but I definitely don't want time to go by too fast!!
Even though we live in Michigan we're hoping that Parker with be an OU girl, or at least an OSU girl! OU is the best college out there so we don't think that it will take much convincing on our part :) We're planning an OU trip this summer (hopefully) so she will be introduced to campus right from the start! This trip will be much different than previous OU trips for sure. No late nights out at the bar...unless Parker insists ;)

Awww, Sydney loves Parker :) I'm probably saying "No kisses!" to Syd because she loves trying to lick her little sister. Aren't dogs mouths supposed to be cleaner than humans? I don't believe it!!
In the past Parker didn't really notice Sydney. Syd would walk by and Parker would pay no attention, but now Parker looks at her and follows Sydney around with her eyes. Another amazing development. Parker has always paid attention to Sydney's barking though. Thankfully it usually doesn't bother Parker. It bothered me today though when Sydney decided that she needed to protect her family from a snow plow, barked, and woke up Parker. At least Parker wasn't mad about it. She just smiled at me and was ready to start playing :)

Parker has a love/hate relationship with her car seat. Ever since we traveled home from Ohio when we were down for the holidays it's been more of a hate relationship. She ended up in the car seat for eight hours on the way home and she was not happy about it. Now a lot of times when we put her in it she screams bloody murder until we pick her up, though it really just depends on the day. On this day I tried going shopping with Parker. There's a ton of shopping around us so I only had to drive a mile away though Parker was not happy about it. I thought that she would be calm as soon as we got into the shop because then I could get her into her Moby wrap which she loves, but nope, she decided to scream! Nothing would calm her down and I didn't need to shop that bad so we got back in the car and headed home. Of course she then decided that the car seat wasn't all that bad, fell asleep, and stayed asleep for hours!
Snuggling up with my baby in the adorable hat that my Mom picked out for her!
After the wedding Kris and I traded in our queen size bed for a king. Best decision ever. I love stretching out in bed and you just can't do that in a queen! Parker obviously loves the space too. She won't sleep in her crib or co-sleeper but she's all about a king sized bed. Good thing you can't spoil a baby :)

Parker looks so disinterested in this book! Just look at that expression, ha!

Nina and Dave got Parker this toy for Christmas. It's a jewelry box with a giraffe in the middle that spins around. There are two buttons on it that when pressed make noise/play music and a wheel that does the same when spun around. Kris was showing it to Parker one day and she started hitting the "Shake the Maracas!" button on it over and over! Now she still loves to hit the buttons but she also really enjoys grabbing onto the giraffe to stop him from spinning around.

If any of you religiously watch The Office, think back to the episode of Jim and Pam's wedding. Dwight wore this same ridiculous shirt that Kris has on in part of it. Kris and a bunch of his friends bought this shirt for a bachelor party and of course it still has to be worn around the house! Doesn't it look like the wolf is about to eat Parker?
I can get a lot of blogging done while Parker is napping on me :)
She is TOO cute, I love seeing little Parker updates. :o) That hat is stinkin adorable also!
ReplyDeleteThanks, girl! I smile every time I see Parker in that hat :)