We are officially into the second half of September and can you believe that we're still experiencing summer like days?! The high today is 84. 84!! September, I am in love. The moment we walk in the door we hop into our suits and then hop right into the pool. As much as I love and crave those crisp fall days I am also a huge fan of extending our swimming season.
Emerson is a fan as well, Post swim bath and full of smiles. I.love.this.girl!
And here we go. Some pics from the past few weeks!
My fabulous contractor (aka, Kris ;) is back in action. We have been mantle-less for months now. The original mantle was hideous. Every day I would see that thing and every day I loathed it. So I had Kris rip it off and replace it with a custom made rustic piece. Now to decide what to do with the rest of the fireplace. I like the brick but am not sure if it goes with the mantle. The black part of the fireplace definitely needs painted. It's a work in progress but we're getting there!
Emerson had a little playdate with her neighbor friend. Look at all this love! The girls are only two months and three houses apart. Built in best buddy!
I am still soaking up all the cuddles I can get. E loves being rocked to sleep and I love rocking her so it's a win-win for all.
This past weekend we spent the morning at the school's birthday party. The day was filled with a bounce house, friends, snack, and Clifford! I'm pleasantly surprised that the girls were both into this furry friend. Hopefully that's a good sign for our upcoming Disney trip in December.
Us girls have all the time in the world to take car selfies when stuck in traffic. OMG these Rochester roads are killing me. Rochester traffic is bad enough but when you close multiple major roads for construction AT THE SAME TIME it's a freaking nightmare. Oh well, at least it will all be done in time for the snow to come...
Why stop with a car selfie? Post pool selfies are fun too!

And applesauce via straw selfies must be documented as well. Whatever works to get this kid to eat more than one bite of something.

Sydney loving :) Our pup is still hanging in there. Last week was pretty rough--she wasn't eating a lot and had trouble moving around--but this week her appetite is back (probably because she's on an appetite inducing pill) and she's begging for food again. One day at a time.
Labor Day weekend was spent at home with a visit from my parents. They couldn't have picked a better weekend to come up. The weather was absolutely fabulous! We spent a lot of time poolside enjoying the sunshine. But before the heat hit we went out and about. It is September and you know what that means...Yates cider mill time!
Isn't it just wild how they go from itty bitty to maxi dress wearing in no time?!
And wasn't Teagan JUST born?! How is she turning three next week?!
Another fun filled morning activity was Rollers & Strollers. I love this event, especially since I majorly fail in the roller skating department and can go on the rink in shoes. Emerson was able to participate too all while chilling in her comfy stroller.
I was so proud of how great Teagan did on her skates!
Parker too rocked it!
After we got home from our morning fun we found some animals trying to figure out how to take a leisurely swim.
Look at the middle left. That's right...it's a turkey! One of seriously like 13. These brave birds will come right up to the pool fence like they own the place.
Scrolling though my phone pics and I stumble upon this beaut. Silly girl stealing my phone and taking selfies!
And here Parker is again photo bombing. Sydney too :)
And finally, I leave you with a picture of miss smiles :)
I'll will recap E's 4th month soon! You know, before she decides to turn five months on me.
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