And you, you dirty nasty TOAD

My sweet Parker. The girl that refuses to wear anything but dresses. The girl that throws a fit when I insist that she wears biker shorts under her dresses to cover up her undies. The girl that always has to pick out her own accessories, loves makeovers, and curtsies. All that princess like behavior apparently goes well with bugs and their friends.
All I know for sure is that wherever the girls get their fascination of outdoor creepy things it's sure not from me.
I'm more fascinated by using our selfie stick whenever, wherever.
I mean look how cool it is! Oh the things that I can get excited by now...
Maternity leave during the spring and summer is clutch. Why did no one ever tell me to stop having fall babies?! The ability to take walks, play outside, and enjoy our pool all with a newborn in tow is simply the best. I shudder to think how my mental state would be if I was stuck inside full time with three wee ones during the cold, dark and dreary winter months.
Our mornings always start out with a show, cuddles and bowls of cereal. The cereal, without fail, ends up anywhere but Teagan's mouth. Why she asks for this morning snack when her ultimate plan is to make sure our nice things get trashed is beyond me.
While it is summer, we still do have the occasional rainy day. Easy to embrace though. Even baby Cinderella gets in on the fun. "Mommy, put baby Cinderella in my belly."
You will never hear me ask for Emerson to be back in my belly though. I'm much more content having this girl on the outside.
On the radar this week is...I really don't know. Living in this world called maternity leave is much different from what I'm used to. Lazy days in and out, with nowhere really to be. No work, preschool is out for the summer, dance and soccer are over. Sounds like we'll be pool bums!
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