As much as I love our pool and as much as I love brisk fall days I always look forward to the next season. Winter brings us much needed time to shut ourselves in the house and enjoy all things indoors. It's not quite winter yet but a mixture of never ending colds and chilly temps kept us on the inside this particular day. And what else is there to do on a day like that but feed "baby" Teagan a massive bottle.
Other inside activities include Emerson refusing to listen to my pleas to stay little. Instead, she decides to act all big kid and sit up. And eat food.

Once again we're starting down the road of baby led weaning. Up first were avocados, then bananas, sweet potatoes, pasta, greek yogurt, cheese and peas. This sweet thing is all about eating. Her little chubby legs move so fast when goodies get piled on her tray. Dinnertime is so fun now that we're all sitting around the table eating.

Another fun family activity is hooking up Kris' new ride with a car full of kiddos. I think it's safe to say that not many owners of CTS's have three car seats strapped in the back lol. But hey, it fits the bill. Nice new car for Kris and since I have the big SUV and do most of the kiddo driving we have our bases covered.
Week after week I sit in the dance studio hallway waiting while the girls practice their moves. This particular Saturday was parent observation so I was finally able to see Teagan dance for the first time! Cuteness overload. I was proud of Teagan's excellent behavior. Great listening, no goofing off...a model ballerina.
Halloween! Dressed up and ready to indulge in a night of sweets. Emerson and I stayed back home while Kris and the girls went door to door with the neighbors. The weather was chilly and seeing as how I was on week four of walking pneumonia it was best for me to avoid the damp outdoors.
Someone clearly had a great time trick or treating.
A little over a month has passed since we said goodbye to Sydney. Poor Parker is still struggling with our loss and still cries almost daily. While we've tried easing her pain by talking about Syd, not talking about her, drawing pictures and sending them on balloons to heaven, she still is so so sad.
Parker dictated the letter while I wrote. Tear jerker below.

Ugh this sucks...
In other news we're in the middle of a kitchen remodel. Actually, it's basically done except for a little trim work and a little paint. Our new butcher block island can be seen below. More pics to come of the final project!

Emerson had her 6 month well visit and checked out just fine. She's our smallest peanut at 25.5 inches and 15.15lbs, 25th percentile for both.

So there you have it!
Coming up next in
our lives is DISNEY (!!!!) and ahhhhhhh are we all so pumped for this vacay.
Seeing Disney all bright and shiny with Christmas lights will be so
incredible. We also have birthday
parties, mama and big girl dates, the Christmas lighting opening night downtown,
Zoo lights, Turkey day, and many more fun things planned for the new future. Seeing as how busy we always are and even
more so this time of year I have gotten a huge start on Christmas
shopping. And by huge start I mean I’m
almost done. Check that major task off the list! Now back to focusing about all
things Disney related J J J

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