This has been the summer of the heat wave. Days full of 80 and 90 degree temps have made for plenty of enjoyable days poolside. And while I will never complain about the heat, I definitely welcomed the cold front we had this past weekend. And by cold front I mean like 68 degrees and cloudy in the AM. Cold enough to find the motivation to bust out the single and double BOB and take a jog on the trails to our downtown.
All three girles were able to enjoy all the park had to offer. Play structures, hide and go seek, the river, and plenty o ducks.
After we burned mad calories from our run it only made sense to stuff our faces at the best coney spot our town has to offer. Bacon dog and cheese fries, coming right up. Run, eat fatty food, run back home. It's all about balance, right??
Then it was off to the next spot, Dinosaur Hill. The mission was to uncover a turtle egg. If you were able to locate one you were awarded the most special turtle pin you've ever laid eyes on. Mission accomplished.

Emerson was clearly not as excited about this as #1 and 2.
What a fun filled day it was spending quality family time in the town we love :)
Another place we love is the zoo, especially during Wednesday nights in the summer. On these nights the zoo is open late, live bands play, and drinks are served. Yes, please!
And finally, what a difference a year makes. 2015 versus 2016 :)