Myrtle Beach Vacation Highlights!
I’ve been to MB various times in my life. Family trips, high school spring break, with
Kris on our first couple vacation, and now as a family of four. Never has MB
September seemed like the best time for us to vacation. Slightly cooler temps and less crowds due to
school being in session were our big motivators. The weather could not have been better—upper 80s
and sunny every single day, made comfortable by the cool ocean breeze—and not
insanely busy. Jackpot.
The driving Gods were with us this trip. Our starting point
was Columbus since we were already there for Teagan’s party so we were facing a
9 ½ hour drive on the hike down. One of
my ::cough cough:: amazing qualities is that I’m an excellent backseat driver.
Kris would call this quality by a different name. So rather than attempting to
drive via the passenger seat, I took the wheel. First leg lasted about four
hours before we stopped in WV for some Bob Evans. BE has to be the cheapest
restaurant on the face of this planet. For a three course meal for Kris,
veggies and bread for T, kids meal for P, an omelet smothered in sausage gravy
for me (calories don’t count on vacation), three drinks and four cookies the
bill was $22. $22!
We prepped the girls for bed—PJs, bottles, etc—then set out
on the next leg. The sheer panic of the
windy roads that make up West Virginia and part of Virginia was enough natural adrenaline
to keep me going until around midnight.
Midnight got us all the way to South Carolina, a mere four hours away
from sandy shores. We settled into a
Hampton, crashed, then got on the road around 10am the next day.
Before we knew it we were driving past palm trees and
checking into our condo. After Virginia Beach last year we swore off ever
staying in a one bedroom hotel again.
Too many people for such a small space. Glad we did because more space =
more comforts of home. Living room,
separate bedroom, bath, vanity area, washing machine, dishwasher and full kitchen
made our lives SO easy for that week.
That’s the whole point of vacation, right?!
All checked in and smelling feet. Totes normal. |
S girl dance party! |
What in the world, T?! lol. |
Immediately we changed into our pool gear and headed down to
the waterpark. Another great decision—booking
a condo with lots of water fun attached.
Oceanside had a big pool, a one foot kiddie pool, and a lazy river. The back side was our sweet spot—big pool,
bigger lazy river, water slides, water spraying things and more. The bulk of our days were spent laz-ing on
the river and trying to make the water slide appealing to Parker. Didn’t work.
Parker can.not.stand water in her eyes.
The probability of water dripping on her was greater than her desire to
slide. Maybe next time.
Sweet, huh? Perfect for little ones. |
Teagan loved loved LOVED lazing. |
Parker liked lazing with me on pool lawn chair while being silly, of course. |
We had lots of fun playing in the splash things (yep, that's what they're called) |
Ahhh, maybe this pic is my favorite! |
We also spent a lot of time on the beach. The first couple days Parker was terrified of
the waves, to the point that she screamed hysterically if Kris and I went
in. But a few days into the trip and she
warmed up. Teagan loved sitting on the
shore and kicking her feet excitedly when the water came to meet her. Parker spent a lot of time gathering shells
for Teagan and both girls enjoyed the sand toys.
Man, are kids amazing. Just living her life, not a care in the world. |
The joy in her face says it all. |
Perhaps my fave pic from the entire trip. |
Kris, why so mad at the bucket?
Enough for now. A fun day of apple, pumpkin, raspberry, and gourd picking has this girl tired. Part two to come soon!
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